Setup VPN Client - Windows

January 7, 2018 in meraki, windows ‐ 1 min read

A Meraki VPN needs to be running on the other end.


Setting up the VPN Client

In Windows 10 you create a new VPN by going to “Prefferences > VPN > Add VPN-Connection”.


Here you have to enter the detauls from the Meraki Portal.


This is not sufficient however. In the network prefferences (Windows +R > ncpa.cpl) you have to go to the security tab of the VPN connection and choose “Unencrypted Password” over PAP and only use “MS-CHAP-v2”.


Don’t worry about the “unencrypted” part, the transfer of the unencrypted Password over the PAP protocol is happening inside the CHAPv2 encrypted handshake.

Now the VPN connection can be started.


Cheers, Ori