Microsoft Flow

May 18, 2018 in office365 ‐ 3 min read

The idea behind Microsoft Flow is to automize workflows within the Microsoft Cloud by combining O365 apps. In this article I want to show the basic tools in existance to create such a flow.

Connector: Connecting an O365 app to the Workflow

Trigger: An event within the connceted app that is “triggering” a reaction

Actions: The reaction that should accure if a certain trigger has been hit

Condition: A condition is a check if X is TRUE or FALSE. X can be the comparison of a numeric value, a check for a certain file extension or a logical expression like and(Y, Z).

Option: Not sure what this is yet. Seems to be close to how a condition works

“Apply to Each”-loop: Is a “for each” loop. Using this you can apply a defined action to every element of a list (array).

“Do … Until”-loop: Does what it says. It repeats an action and afterwards checks if a certain condition is TRUE that would stop it from repeating this action again.

Area: No idea what this is supposed to be… yet.


Flow Example

I am choosing the OneDrive Connector.


As a trigger I choose “When a file is changed”.


Now I add an action to the Flow.


I device that the action will be performed with the O365 Outlook Connector.


The action that I choose within the connector is Office 365 Outlook - send E-Mail.


This action requiers some additional information. I need to specify who this email should be sent to, what the title should be and what the content should be. I define that the email will be sent to me, that the subject should be “OneDrive file has been changed”. The content of the email I set to be dynamic and choose that the filepath of the changed file should be added.


This way I will get an email with the filepath of changed files within OneDrive every time a change is made. Relativley easy we were able to combine two O365 apps, have them exchange data and automized a task.

More complex workflows

The real power of Microsoft Flow unfolds when you define more complex workflows. You can for example release a request form for further education in the SharePoint of a company. If someone is filling out this form a copy of it will be sent via email to the users supervisor, mentioned in AzureAD, for approval. If the supervisor does not approve the user is informed via email.

If the supervisor approves the form will be forwarded to finance with request to approve the traveling costs. If finance approves and a check for a numeric value of unbooked company cars to be larger then X is met the form is forwarded to HR with a request to book the hotel.

Once HR confirms the booking all of the involved parties get a confirmation email, an outlook appointment is generated for the employee and an outlook out of office message is defined for that timeframe.

You see there are manny possible usecases for Flows.

Cheers, Ori