05_Byobu nesting

November 26, 2018 in linux ‐ 1 min read

Nesting means starting a byobu session within a byobu session. (Yo, dawg) On one system that does not really make sense.

If you have a session on your local machine and then ssh into another machine just to start a byobu session there, you have a nested session.


If you now press for example Ctrl + a ---> c to open a new window, it will be opened on your local machine. To send the same command one layer deeper, use Strg + a ---> ac.

[video width=“1216” height=“668” mp4=“https://blog.hackzenwerk.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/4-1.mp4”][/video]

This means that every a you are using is pushing your command one nesting layer up. This is what this looks like on a nesting of three layers.

[video width=“1216” height=“668” mp4=“https://blog.hackzenwerk.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/2.mp4”][/video]

This way you can have a window for your host, one for each HV (hypervisor) and one for each VM on the HV.

Cheers, Ori