01_OhMyZsh installation

November 26, 2018 in linux ‐ 1 min read

In this article I want to recommend to you using the very powerful zsh (z-shell) extension OhMyZsh.

First check if zsh is installed already. which zsh

If not update your sources and install it. apt install zsh

It makes sense to make zsh your default. chsh -s $(which zsh)

After you log back in or reboot your machine you will be faced with the following:


I do recommend using option 2 as it will created the usual .rc file in your home dir that you would expect. Then zsh will greet you with a very simplistic prompt.


If you have not installed it by now, install git. apt install git

Now pull OhMyZsh from github and installit using curl or wget.

Curl sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"

Wget sh -c "$(wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh -O -)"


That was the entire magic, OhMyZsh is now installed. See the other article(s) on what you can do with it.

Cheers, Ori